Accessibility Barrier Definitions
ARCHITECTURAL OR PHYSICAL BARRIERS – These are generally easy to identify and may include steps that prevent access to a building for an individual who uses a wheelchair, narrow doorways that need to be widened, bathrooms that need to made accessible, the absence of light alarms for individuals who have a hearing impairment, and the absence of signs in Braille for individuals who have visual impairments.
ENVIRONMENTAL BARRIERS – Environmental barriers can be interpreted as any location or characteristic of the setting that compromises, hinders, or impedes service delivery and the benefits to be gained. Environmental barriers in a person’s home environment might be addressed, for example, by installing computer controls for temperature, lights, window shades, that are activated by a puff straw. In a work environment, lighting may be a barrier if, for instance, fluorescent lighting is used and the flicker precipitates seizure activity in an individual.
ATTITUDINAL BARRIERS – Attitudinal barriers may include, but are not limited to: terminology and language that the organization uses in its literature or when it communicates with persons with disabilities, other stakeholders, and the public; how persons with disabilities are viewed and treated by the organization, their families, and the community; if input of persons served is invited and used.
EMPLOYMENT BARRIERS - Providing flexibility in the workplace (e.g. considering requests for flex time, or part time work) can help many persons with disabilities better manage their needs. With appropriate use employment barriers can be removed for individuals with disabilities.
COMMUNICATION BARRIERS – Communication barriers include the absence of a teletype machine (TTY) or the absence of materials in a language or format that is understood by the persons served.
TRANSPORTATION BARRIERS – Transportation barriers include persons being unable to reach service locations or being unable to participate in the full range of services and activities offered.
FINANCES--Financial barriers include lack of adequate county and state funding for services.
TECHNOLOGY-- Technology barriers occur when a technology can’t be modified to support varied assistive devices.
COMMUNITY INTEGRATION-- Community Integration barriers include those which keep persons served from fully participating within their community